A Wednesday Car

Johnny Cash

The assembly line is runnin' slow on Monday
They've been livin' it up and layin' up Saturday and Sunday
On Tuesday they're about to come around
But they still feel bad and they're kinda down
And mad cause they've got four more day before the weekend rolls around
On Wednesday they're feelin' fine again
And they're workin' like a dog and diggin' in
Tryin' to do everything they should puttin' 'em cars together good
And I got me a car that was made on Wednesday on Wednesday
If you're gonna boy yourself a new car
You just better hope you're lucky enough to get one made on Wednesday
On Thursday the weekend is in sight
And they're in a hurry and they don't do nothing right
Friday is the worst day of the week that's the day they make lemons dogs and freaks
If your car was made on Friday friend you'll soon be in the creek
Cause it's payday and the loafin' has begun
Lord them Friday cars just hope you don't get one
Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday
Are all bad days and the only try day is Wednesday
And my car was made on Wednesday on Wednesday
If your car wasn't made on Wednesday I'd advise you not to even leave home any
There's a police car behind us man
He's right behind us
So what
Is he lookin' at us do you think he saw me
Hey relax he turned off what's all the fuss about
What would the Phoenix police of you anyway she's really crazy man
She may be worse than crazy
What's with you cowgirl you stole a pinball machine or somethin'
Don't be funny I never stole nothin' I killed my own man
Ah let me see now the bus station ought to be straigh ahead downtown
Where you can probably get out
Oh please don't make get out
You say you killed somebody
I had to man please don't turn me in
There's a bus station right over there boy we sure can pick 'em
He treated me like dirt I loved him lived with him all that time
I was true to him I tried to warn him he just laughed at me
Para citar esta página: https://www.cancioneros.com/letras/cancion/176075/a-wednesday-car-johnny-cash
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